Clinical research

…Jessica MacGregor for adults. If you are a pharmaceutical company interested in Ottawa as a participating centre for your study, please contact Dr Lochmüller directly. For general inquiries about the…

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The Lochmüller Lab on Lockdown

…and have assembled face-shields which are currently being used by hospital staff. More information about the sewhelpful project can be found at: https://cheofoundation*]}*.com/sewhelpful/ and information on how to 3D print

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Therapy development

Wild-type and DMD piglets climbing a step

…to identify which drugs impact the pathways we are interested in. Once we have identified a list of potential compounds, we can test these in our animal and human models…

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Team members

Lab team at Ottawa NMD 2023

…Idoux Romane Idoux completed her PhD in 2022 at the NeuroMyoGene Institute in Lyon (France). Romane is interested in fundamental research on rare neuromuscular disorders, and has joined the Lochmüller…

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