Lochmuller Lab clinical research webpage update
It’s now easier than ever to stay up-to-date on the clinical research trials that our team is involved in
We are excited to share an update to the clinical research page on the Lochmüller Lab website! With a new searchable list of the ongoing clinical trials at our adult and pediatric sites in Ottawa, the clinical research page serves as an informational hub for all stakeholders who wish to learn more about the clinical research work conducted by the team. Visit the clinical research page to view the interactive table.
The new clinical trials list provides searchable and filterable information on the current trials the research team are involved in.
Clinical trial research
Dr Hanns Lochmüller sees adult neuromuscular patients at the Ottawa Neuromuscular Centre at The Ottawa Hospital, providing consultations and opportunities to participate in clinical research; he also sees pediatric neuromuscular patients at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), providing consultations and opportunities to participate in clinical research.
In 2022 pediatric neurologist and neuromuscular specialist Dr Hugh McMillan returned to CHEO after a period working in Montreal. Dr McMillan and Dr Lochmüller work closely together on pediatric neuromuscular research at CHEO, supported by neurologist Dr Alberto Aleman. This provides further opportunities for pediatric neuromuscular patients to participate in clinical trials. The research coordinators work as a joint team helping to run clinical studies for both doctors.
How to contact us
More information on how to contact the clinical team is available on the clinical research page, and we encourage patients, investigators, and industry members to contact our clinical research team to learn more about our work.